Enum FieldType
Define the type of field content.
Namespace: OpenSearch.Client
Assembly: OpenSearch.Client.dll
public enum FieldType
Name | Description |
Alias | |
Binary | The binary type is a base64 representation of binary data that can be stored in the index. |
Boolean | |
Byte | |
Completion | |
Date | |
DateNanos | |
DateRange | |
Double | |
DoubleRange | |
Float | |
FloatRange | |
GeoPoint | |
GeoShape | |
HalfFloat | |
Integer | |
IntegerRange | |
Ip | An ip mapping type allows to store ipv4 addresses in a numeric form allowing to easily sort, and range query it (using ip values). |
IpRange | |
Join | |
Keyword | |
KnnVector | |
Long | |
LongRange | |
Murmur3Hash | Murmur hash type, for use with the cardinality aggregation. |
Nested | |
None | Default. Will be defined by the type of property return. |
Object | object type, no need to set this manually if its not a value type this will be set. Only set this if you need to force a value type to be mapped to an OpenSearch object type. |
Percolator | |
RankFeature | |
RankFeatures | |
ScaledFloat | |
SearchAsYouType | A text-like field that is optimized to provide out-of-the-box support for queries that serve an as-you-type completion use case. |
Short | |
Text | |
TokenCount |