Enum HighlighterType
Type of highlighter
Namespace: OpenSearch.Client
Assembly: OpenSearch.Client.dll
public enum HighlighterType
Name | Description |
Fvh | Fast Vector Highlighter. If term_vector information is provided by setting term_vector to with_positions_offsets in the mapping then the fast vector highlighter will be used instead of the plain highlighter |
Plain | Plain Highlighter. Uses the Lucene highlighter. It tries hard to reflect the query matching logic in terms of understanding word importance and any word positioning criteria in phrase queries. |
Unified | Unified Highlighter. The default choice. The unified highlighter can extract offsets from either term vectors, or via re-analyzing text. Under the hood it uses Lucene UnifiedHighlighter which picks its strategy depending on the field and the query to highlight. Independently of the strategy this highlighter breaks the text into sentences and scores individual sentences as if they were documents in this corpus, using the BM25 algorithm. It supports accurate phrase and multi-term (fuzzy, prefix, regex) highlighting |