Class IntervalsPrefix
Matches terms that start with a specified set of characters. This prefix can expand to match at most 128 terms. If the prefix matches more than 128 terms, OpenSearch returns an error. You can use the index-prefixes option in the field mapping to avoid this limit.
Inherited Members
Namespace: OpenSearch .Client
Assembly: OpenSearch.Client.dll
public class IntervalsPrefix : IntervalsNoFilterBase, IIntervalsPrefix, IIntervalsNoFilter
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Analyzer used to normalize the prefix. Defaults to the top-level field's analyzer.
public string Analyzer { get; set; }
Property Value
Type | Description |
string |
Beginning characters of terms you wish to find in the top-level field
public string Prefix { get; set; }
Property Value
Type | Description |
string |
If specified, then match intervals from this field rather than the top-level field. The prefix is normalized using the search analyzer from this field, unless a separate analyzer is specified.
public Field UseField { get; set; }
Property Value
Type | Description |
Field |