Source code for opensearch_py_ml.index

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from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Optional, TextIO

    from .query_compiler import QueryCompiler

[docs] class Index: """ The index for an opensearch_py_ml.DataFrame. TODO - This currently has very different behaviour than pandas.Index Currently, the index is a field that exists in every document in an OpenSearch index. For slicing and sorting operations it must be a docvalues field. By default _id is used, which can't be used for range queries and is inefficient for sorting. (The value of the _id field is also accessible in aggregations or for sorting, but doing so is discouraged as it requires to load a lot of data in memory. In case sorting or aggregating on the _id field is required, it is advised to duplicate the content of the _id field in another field that has doc_values enabled.) """ ID_INDEX_FIELD = "_id" ID_SORT_FIELD = "_doc" # if index field is _id, sort by _doc def __init__( self, query_compiler: "QueryCompiler", os_index_field: Optional[str] = None ): self._query_compiler = query_compiler # _is_source_field is set immediately within # index_field.setter self._is_source_field = False # The type:ignore is due to mypy not being smart enough # to recognize the property.setter has a different type # than the property.getter. self.os_index_field = os_index_field # type: ignore @property def sort_field(self) -> str: if self._index_field == self.ID_INDEX_FIELD: return self.ID_SORT_FIELD return self._index_field @property def is_source_field(self) -> bool: return self._is_source_field @property def os_index_field(self) -> str: return self._index_field @os_index_field.setter def os_index_field(self, index_field: Optional[str]) -> None: if index_field is None or index_field == Index.ID_INDEX_FIELD: self._index_field = Index.ID_INDEX_FIELD self._is_source_field = False else: self._index_field = index_field self._is_source_field = True def __len__(self) -> int: return self._query_compiler._index_count() # Make iterable def __next__(self) -> None: # TODO resolve this hack to make this 'iterable' raise StopIteration() def __iter__(self) -> "Index": return self def os_info(self, buf: TextIO) -> None: buf.write("Index:\n") buf.write(f" os_index_field: {self.os_index_field}\n") buf.write(f" is_source_field: {self.is_source_field}\n")