Source code for opensearchpy.client.cluster

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# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# To contribute, kindly make modifications in the opensearch-py client generator
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# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+

from typing import Any

from .utils import SKIP_IN_PATH, NamespacedClient, _make_path, query_params

[docs]class ClusterClient(NamespacedClient):
[docs] @query_params( "awareness_attribute", "cluster_manager_timeout", "error_trace", "expand_wildcards", "filter_path", "human", "level", "local", "master_timeout", "pretty", "source", "timeout", "wait_for_active_shards", "wait_for_events", "wait_for_no_initializing_shards", "wait_for_no_relocating_shards", "wait_for_nodes", "wait_for_status", ) def health( self, index: Any = None, params: Any = None, headers: Any = None, ) -> Any: """ Returns basic information about the health of the cluster. :arg index: Comma-separated list of data streams, indexes, and index aliases used to limit the request. Wildcard expressions (*) are supported. To target all data streams and indexes in a cluster, omit this parameter or use `_all` or `*`. :arg awareness_attribute: The awareness attribute for which the health is required. :arg cluster_manager_timeout: Operation timeout for connection to cluster-manager node. :arg error_trace: Whether to include the stack trace of returned errors. Default is false. :arg expand_wildcards: Whether to expand wildcard expression to concrete indexes that are open, closed or both. :arg filter_path: Used to reduce the response. This parameter takes a comma-separated list of filters. It supports using wildcards to match any field or part of a field’s name. You can also exclude fields with "-". :arg human: Whether to return human readable values for statistics. Default is True. :arg level: Can be one of cluster, indexes or shards. Controls the details level of the health information returned. Valid choices are awareness_attributes, cluster, indices, shards. :arg local: If `true`, the request retrieves information from the local node only. Defaults to false, which means information is retrieved from the cluster-manager node. Default is false. :arg master_timeout (Deprecated: To promote inclusive language, use `cluster_manager_timeout` instead.): Period to wait for a connection to the cluster-manager node. If no response is received before the timeout expires, the request fails and returns an error. :arg pretty: Whether to pretty format the returned JSON response. Default is false. :arg source: The URL-encoded request definition. Useful for libraries that do not accept a request body for non-POST requests. :arg timeout: Period to wait for a response. If no response is received before the timeout expires, the request fails and returns an error. :arg wait_for_active_shards: A number controlling to how many active shards to wait for, all to wait for all shards in the cluster to be active, or 0 to not wait. Valid choices are all, index-setting. :arg wait_for_events: Can be one of immediate, urgent, high, normal, low, languid. Wait until all currently queued events with the given priority are processed. Valid choices are high, immediate, languid, low, normal, urgent. :arg wait_for_no_initializing_shards: A Boolean value which controls whether to wait (until the timeout provided) for the cluster to have no shard initializations. Defaults to false, which means it will not wait for initializing shards. :arg wait_for_no_relocating_shards: A Boolean value which controls whether to wait (until the timeout provided) for the cluster to have no shard relocations. Defaults to false, which means it will not wait for relocating shards. :arg wait_for_nodes: The request waits until the specified number N of nodes is available. It also accepts >=N, <=N, >N and <N. Alternatively, it is possible to use ge(N), le(N), gt(N) and lt(N) notation. :arg wait_for_status: One of green, yellow or red. Will wait (until the timeout provided) until the status of the cluster changes to the one provided or better, i.e. green > yellow > red. By default, will not wait for any status. Valid choices are green, red, yellow. """ return self.transport.perform_request( "GET", _make_path("_cluster", "health", index), params=params, headers=headers, )
[docs] @query_params( "cluster_manager_timeout", "error_trace", "filter_path", "human", "local", "master_timeout", "pretty", "source", ) def pending_tasks( self, params: Any = None, headers: Any = None, ) -> Any: """ Returns a list of any cluster-level changes (e.g. create index, update mapping, allocate or fail shard) which have not yet been executed. :arg cluster_manager_timeout: Operation timeout for connection to cluster-manager node. :arg error_trace: Whether to include the stack trace of returned errors. Default is false. :arg filter_path: Used to reduce the response. This parameter takes a comma-separated list of filters. It supports using wildcards to match any field or part of a field’s name. You can also exclude fields with "-". :arg human: Whether to return human readable values for statistics. Default is True. :arg local: If `true`, the request retrieves information from the local node only. If `false`, information is retrieved from the cluster-manager node. Default is false. :arg master_timeout (Deprecated: To promote inclusive language, use `cluster_manager_timeout` instead.): Period to wait for a connection to the cluster-manager node. If no response is received before the timeout expires, the request fails and returns an error. :arg pretty: Whether to pretty format the returned JSON response. Default is false. :arg source: The URL-encoded request definition. Useful for libraries that do not accept a request body for non-POST requests. """ return self.transport.perform_request( "GET", "/_cluster/pending_tasks", params=params, headers=headers )
[docs] @query_params( "allow_no_indices", "cluster_manager_timeout", "error_trace", "expand_wildcards", "filter_path", "flat_settings", "human", "ignore_unavailable", "local", "master_timeout", "pretty", "source", "wait_for_metadata_version", "wait_for_timeout", ) def state( self, metric: Any = None, index: Any = None, params: Any = None, headers: Any = None, ) -> Any: """ Returns a comprehensive information about the state of the cluster. :arg metric: Limit the information returned to the specified metrics :arg index: A comma-separated list of index names; use `_all` or empty string to perform the operation on all indexes :arg allow_no_indices: Whether to ignore if a wildcard indexes expression resolves into no concrete indexes. (This includes `_all` string or when no indexes have been specified) :arg cluster_manager_timeout: Operation timeout for connection to cluster-manager node. :arg error_trace: Whether to include the stack trace of returned errors. Default is false. :arg expand_wildcards: Whether to expand wildcard expression to concrete indexes that are open, closed or both. :arg filter_path: Used to reduce the response. This parameter takes a comma-separated list of filters. It supports using wildcards to match any field or part of a field’s name. You can also exclude fields with "-". :arg flat_settings: Return settings in flat format. Default is false. :arg human: Whether to return human readable values for statistics. Default is True. :arg ignore_unavailable: Whether specified concrete indexes should be ignored when unavailable (missing or closed) :arg local: Return local information, do not retrieve the state from cluster-manager node. Default is false. :arg master_timeout (Deprecated: To promote inclusive language, use `cluster_manager_timeout` instead.): Specify timeout for connection to cluster manager. :arg pretty: Whether to pretty format the returned JSON response. Default is false. :arg source: The URL-encoded request definition. Useful for libraries that do not accept a request body for non-POST requests. :arg wait_for_metadata_version: Wait for the metadata version to be equal or greater than the specified metadata version. :arg wait_for_timeout: The maximum time to wait for `wait_for_metadata_version` before timing out. """ if index and metric in SKIP_IN_PATH: metric = "_all" return self.transport.perform_request( "GET", _make_path("_cluster", "state", metric, index), params=params, headers=headers, )
[docs] @query_params( "error_trace", "filter_path", "flat_settings", "human", "pretty", "source", "timeout", ) def stats( self, node_id: Any = None, params: Any = None, headers: Any = None, metric: Any = None, index_metric: Any = None, ) -> Any: """ Returns high-level overview of cluster statistics. :arg metric: Limit the information returned to the specified metrics. :arg index_metric: Limit the information returned for indexes metric to the specific index metrics. It can be used only if indexes (or all) metric is specified. :arg node_id: Comma-separated list of node filters used to limit returned information. Defaults to all nodes in the cluster. :arg error_trace: Whether to include the stack trace of returned errors. Default is false. :arg filter_path: Used to reduce the response. This parameter takes a comma-separated list of filters. It supports using wildcards to match any field or part of a field’s name. You can also exclude fields with "-". :arg flat_settings: If `true`, returns settings in flat format. Default is false. :arg human: Whether to return human readable values for statistics. Default is True. :arg pretty: Whether to pretty format the returned JSON response. Default is false. :arg source: The URL-encoded request definition. Useful for libraries that do not accept a request body for non-POST requests. :arg timeout: Period to wait for each node to respond. If a node does not respond before its timeout expires, the response does not include its stats. However, timed out nodes are included in the response's `_nodes.failed` property. Defaults to no timeout. """ return self.transport.perform_request( "GET", ( "/_cluster/stats" if node_id in SKIP_IN_PATH else _make_path( "_cluster", "stats", metric, index_metric, "nodes", node_id ) ), params=params, headers=headers, )
[docs] @query_params( "cluster_manager_timeout", "dry_run", "error_trace", "explain", "filter_path", "human", "master_timeout", "metric", "pretty", "retry_failed", "source", "timeout", ) def reroute( self, body: Any = None, params: Any = None, headers: Any = None, ) -> Any: """ Allows to manually change the allocation of individual shards in the cluster. :arg body: The definition of `commands` to perform (`move`, `cancel`, `allocate`) :arg cluster_manager_timeout: Operation timeout for connection to cluster-manager node. :arg dry_run: If `true`, then the request simulates the operation only and returns the resulting state. :arg error_trace: Whether to include the stack trace of returned errors. Default is false. :arg explain: If `true`, then the response contains an explanation of why the commands can or cannot be executed. :arg filter_path: Used to reduce the response. This parameter takes a comma-separated list of filters. It supports using wildcards to match any field or part of a field’s name. You can also exclude fields with "-". :arg human: Whether to return human readable values for statistics. Default is True. :arg master_timeout (Deprecated: To promote inclusive language, use `cluster_manager_timeout` instead.): Period to wait for a connection to the cluster-manager node. If no response is received before the timeout expires, the request fails and returns an error. :arg metric: Limits the information returned to the specified metrics. :arg pretty: Whether to pretty format the returned JSON response. Default is false. :arg retry_failed: If `true`, then retries allocation of shards that are blocked due to too many subsequent allocation failures. :arg source: The URL-encoded request definition. Useful for libraries that do not accept a request body for non-POST requests. :arg timeout: Period to wait for a response. If no response is received before the timeout expires, the request fails and returns an error. """ return self.transport.perform_request( "POST", "/_cluster/reroute", params=params, headers=headers, body=body )
[docs] @query_params( "cluster_manager_timeout", "error_trace", "filter_path", "flat_settings", "human", "include_defaults", "master_timeout", "pretty", "source", "timeout", ) def get_settings( self, params: Any = None, headers: Any = None, ) -> Any: """ Returns cluster settings. :arg cluster_manager_timeout: Operation timeout for connection to cluster-manager node. :arg error_trace: Whether to include the stack trace of returned errors. Default is false. :arg filter_path: Used to reduce the response. This parameter takes a comma-separated list of filters. It supports using wildcards to match any field or part of a field’s name. You can also exclude fields with "-". :arg flat_settings: If `true`, returns settings in flat format. Default is false. :arg human: Whether to return human readable values for statistics. Default is True. :arg include_defaults: If `true`, returns default cluster settings from the local node. Default is false. :arg master_timeout (Deprecated: To promote inclusive language, use `cluster_manager_timeout` instead.): Period to wait for a connection to the cluster-manager node. If no response is received before the timeout expires, the request fails and returns an error. :arg pretty: Whether to pretty format the returned JSON response. Default is false. :arg source: The URL-encoded request definition. Useful for libraries that do not accept a request body for non-POST requests. :arg timeout: Period to wait for a response. If no response is received before the timeout expires, the request fails and returns an error. """ return self.transport.perform_request( "GET", "/_cluster/settings", params=params, headers=headers )
[docs] @query_params( "cluster_manager_timeout", "error_trace", "filter_path", "flat_settings", "human", "master_timeout", "pretty", "source", "timeout", ) def put_settings( self, body: Any, params: Any = None, headers: Any = None, ) -> Any: """ Updates the cluster settings. :arg body: The settings to be updated. Can be either `transient` or `persistent` (survives cluster restart). :arg cluster_manager_timeout: Operation timeout for connection to cluster-manager node. :arg error_trace: Whether to include the stack trace of returned errors. Default is false. :arg filter_path: Used to reduce the response. This parameter takes a comma-separated list of filters. It supports using wildcards to match any field or part of a field’s name. You can also exclude fields with "-". :arg flat_settings: Return settings in flat format. Default is false. :arg human: Whether to return human readable values for statistics. Default is True. :arg master_timeout (Deprecated: To promote inclusive language, use `cluster_manager_timeout` instead.): Explicit operation timeout for connection to cluster-manager node :arg pretty: Whether to pretty format the returned JSON response. Default is false. :arg source: The URL-encoded request definition. Useful for libraries that do not accept a request body for non-POST requests. :arg timeout: Explicit operation timeout """ if body in SKIP_IN_PATH: raise ValueError("Empty value passed for a required argument 'body'.") return self.transport.perform_request( "PUT", "/_cluster/settings", params=params, headers=headers, body=body )
[docs] @query_params("error_trace", "filter_path", "human", "pretty", "source") def remote_info( self, params: Any = None, headers: Any = None, ) -> Any: """ Returns the information about configured remote clusters. :arg error_trace: Whether to include the stack trace of returned errors. Default is false. :arg filter_path: Used to reduce the response. This parameter takes a comma-separated list of filters. It supports using wildcards to match any field or part of a field’s name. You can also exclude fields with "-". :arg human: Whether to return human readable values for statistics. Default is True. :arg pretty: Whether to pretty format the returned JSON response. Default is false. :arg source: The URL-encoded request definition. Useful for libraries that do not accept a request body for non-POST requests. """ return self.transport.perform_request( "GET", "/_remote/info", params=params, headers=headers )
[docs] @query_params( "error_trace", "filter_path", "human", "include_disk_info", "include_yes_decisions", "pretty", "source", ) def allocation_explain( self, body: Any = None, params: Any = None, headers: Any = None, ) -> Any: """ Provides explanations for shard allocations in the cluster. :arg body: The index, shard, and primary flag to explain. Empty means 'explain the first unassigned shard' :arg error_trace: Whether to include the stack trace of returned errors. Default is false. :arg filter_path: Used to reduce the response. This parameter takes a comma-separated list of filters. It supports using wildcards to match any field or part of a field’s name. You can also exclude fields with "-". :arg human: Whether to return human readable values for statistics. Default is True. :arg include_disk_info: If `true`, returns information about disk usage and shard sizes. Default is false. :arg include_yes_decisions: If `true`, returns YES decisions in explanation. Default is false. :arg pretty: Whether to pretty format the returned JSON response. Default is false. :arg source: The URL-encoded request definition. Useful for libraries that do not accept a request body for non-POST requests. """ return self.transport.perform_request( "POST", "/_cluster/allocation/explain", params=params, headers=headers, body=body, )
[docs] @query_params( "cluster_manager_timeout", "error_trace", "filter_path", "human", "master_timeout", "pretty", "source", "timeout", ) def delete_component_template( self, name: Any, params: Any = None, headers: Any = None, ) -> Any: """ Deletes a component template. :arg name: Name of the component template to delete. Wildcard (*) expressions are supported. :arg cluster_manager_timeout: Operation timeout for connection to cluster-manager node. :arg error_trace: Whether to include the stack trace of returned errors. Default is false. :arg filter_path: Used to reduce the response. This parameter takes a comma-separated list of filters. It supports using wildcards to match any field or part of a field’s name. You can also exclude fields with "-". :arg human: Whether to return human readable values for statistics. Default is True. :arg master_timeout (Deprecated: To promote inclusive language, use `cluster_manager_timeout` instead.): Period to wait for a connection to the cluster-manager node. If no response is received before the timeout expires, the request fails and returns an error. :arg pretty: Whether to pretty format the returned JSON response. Default is false. :arg source: The URL-encoded request definition. Useful for libraries that do not accept a request body for non-POST requests. :arg timeout: Period to wait for a response. If no response is received before the timeout expires, the request fails and returns an error. """ if name in SKIP_IN_PATH: raise ValueError("Empty value passed for a required argument 'name'.") return self.transport.perform_request( "DELETE", _make_path("_component_template", name), params=params, headers=headers, )
[docs] @query_params( "cluster_manager_timeout", "error_trace", "filter_path", "human", "local", "master_timeout", "pretty", "source", ) def get_component_template( self, name: Any = None, params: Any = None, headers: Any = None, ) -> Any: """ Returns one or more component templates. :arg name: Name of the component template to retrieve. Wildcard (`*`) expressions are supported. :arg cluster_manager_timeout: Operation timeout for connection to cluster-manager node. :arg error_trace: Whether to include the stack trace of returned errors. Default is false. :arg filter_path: Used to reduce the response. This parameter takes a comma-separated list of filters. It supports using wildcards to match any field or part of a field’s name. You can also exclude fields with "-". :arg human: Whether to return human readable values for statistics. Default is True. :arg local: If `true`, the request retrieves information from the local node only. If `false`, information is retrieved from the cluster-manager node. Default is false. :arg master_timeout (Deprecated: To promote inclusive language, use `cluster_manager_timeout` instead.): Period to wait for a connection to the cluster-manager node. If no response is received before the timeout expires, the request fails and returns an error. :arg pretty: Whether to pretty format the returned JSON response. Default is false. :arg source: The URL-encoded request definition. Useful for libraries that do not accept a request body for non-POST requests. """ return self.transport.perform_request( "GET", _make_path("_component_template", name), params=params, headers=headers, )
[docs] @query_params( "cluster_manager_timeout", "create", "error_trace", "filter_path", "human", "master_timeout", "pretty", "source", "timeout", ) def put_component_template( self, name: Any, body: Any, params: Any = None, headers: Any = None, ) -> Any: """ Creates or updates a component template. :arg name: Name of the component template to create. OpenSearch includes the following built-in component templates: `logs-mappings`; 'logs-settings`; `metrics-mappings`; `metrics-settings`;`synthetics- mapping`; `synthetics-settings`. OpenSearch Agent uses these templates to configure backing indexes for its data streams. If you use OpenSearch Agent and want to overwrite one of these templates, set the `version` for your replacement template higher than the current version. If you don't use OpenSearch Agent and want to disable all built-in component and index templates, set `stack.templates.enabled` to `false` using the cluster update settings API. :arg body: The template definition :arg cluster_manager_timeout: Operation timeout for connection to cluster-manager node. :arg create: If `true`, this request cannot replace or update existing component templates. Default is false. :arg error_trace: Whether to include the stack trace of returned errors. Default is false. :arg filter_path: Used to reduce the response. This parameter takes a comma-separated list of filters. It supports using wildcards to match any field or part of a field’s name. You can also exclude fields with "-". :arg human: Whether to return human readable values for statistics. Default is True. :arg master_timeout (Deprecated: To promote inclusive language, use `cluster_manager_timeout` instead.): Period to wait for a connection to the cluster-manager node. If no response is received before the timeout expires, the request fails and returns an error. :arg pretty: Whether to pretty format the returned JSON response. Default is false. :arg source: The URL-encoded request definition. Useful for libraries that do not accept a request body for non-POST requests. :arg timeout: Operation timeout. """ for param in (name, body): if param in SKIP_IN_PATH: raise ValueError("Empty value passed for a required argument.") return self.transport.perform_request( "PUT", _make_path("_component_template", name), params=params, headers=headers, body=body, )
[docs] @query_params( "cluster_manager_timeout", "error_trace", "filter_path", "human", "local", "master_timeout", "pretty", "source", ) def exists_component_template( self, name: Any, params: Any = None, headers: Any = None, ) -> Any: """ Returns information about whether a particular component template exist. :arg name: Name of the component template to check existence of. Wildcard (*) expressions are supported. :arg cluster_manager_timeout: Operation timeout for connection to cluster-manager node. :arg error_trace: Whether to include the stack trace of returned errors. Default is false. :arg filter_path: Used to reduce the response. This parameter takes a comma-separated list of filters. It supports using wildcards to match any field or part of a field’s name. You can also exclude fields with "-". :arg human: Whether to return human readable values for statistics. Default is True. :arg local: If `true`, the request retrieves information from the local node only. Defaults to false, which means information is retrieved from the cluster-manager node. Default is false. :arg master_timeout (Deprecated: To promote inclusive language, use `cluster_manager_timeout` instead.): Period to wait for a connection to the cluster-manager node. If no response is received before the timeout expires, the request fails and returns an error. :arg pretty: Whether to pretty format the returned JSON response. Default is false. :arg source: The URL-encoded request definition. Useful for libraries that do not accept a request body for non-POST requests. """ if name in SKIP_IN_PATH: raise ValueError("Empty value passed for a required argument 'name'.") return self.transport.perform_request( "HEAD", _make_path("_component_template", name), params=params, headers=headers, )
[docs] @query_params( "error_trace", "filter_path", "human", "pretty", "source", "wait_for_removal" ) def delete_voting_config_exclusions( self, params: Any = None, headers: Any = None, ) -> Any: """ Clears cluster voting config exclusions. :arg error_trace: Whether to include the stack trace of returned errors. Default is false. :arg filter_path: Used to reduce the response. This parameter takes a comma-separated list of filters. It supports using wildcards to match any field or part of a field’s name. You can also exclude fields with "-". :arg human: Whether to return human readable values for statistics. Default is True. :arg pretty: Whether to pretty format the returned JSON response. Default is false. :arg source: The URL-encoded request definition. Useful for libraries that do not accept a request body for non-POST requests. :arg wait_for_removal: Specifies whether to wait for all excluded nodes to be removed from the cluster before clearing the voting configuration exclusions list. Defaults to true, meaning that all excluded nodes must be removed from the cluster before this API takes any action. If set to `false` then the voting configuration exclusions list is cleared even if some excluded nodes are still in the cluster. Default is True. """ return self.transport.perform_request( "DELETE", "/_cluster/voting_config_exclusions", params=params, headers=headers, )
[docs] @query_params( "error_trace", "filter_path", "human", "node_ids", "node_names", "pretty", "source", "timeout", ) def post_voting_config_exclusions( self, params: Any = None, headers: Any = None, ) -> Any: """ Updates the cluster voting config exclusions by node ids or node names. :arg error_trace: Whether to include the stack trace of returned errors. Default is false. :arg filter_path: Used to reduce the response. This parameter takes a comma-separated list of filters. It supports using wildcards to match any field or part of a field’s name. You can also exclude fields with "-". :arg human: Whether to return human readable values for statistics. Default is True. :arg node_ids: A comma-separated list of the persistent ids of the nodes to exclude from the voting configuration. If specified, you may not also specify `node_names`. :arg node_names: A comma-separated list of the names of the nodes to exclude from the voting configuration. If specified, you may not also specify `node_ids`. :arg pretty: Whether to pretty format the returned JSON response. Default is false. :arg source: The URL-encoded request definition. Useful for libraries that do not accept a request body for non-POST requests. :arg timeout: When adding a voting configuration exclusion, the API waits for the specified nodes to be excluded from the voting configuration before returning. If the timeout expires before the appropriate condition is satisfied, the request fails and returns an error. """ return self.transport.perform_request( "POST", "/_cluster/voting_config_exclusions", params=params, headers=headers )
[docs] @query_params("error_trace", "filter_path", "human", "pretty", "source") def delete_decommission_awareness( self, params: Any = None, headers: Any = None, ) -> Any: """ Delete any existing decommission. :arg error_trace: Whether to include the stack trace of returned errors. Default is false. :arg filter_path: Used to reduce the response. This parameter takes a comma-separated list of filters. It supports using wildcards to match any field or part of a field’s name. You can also exclude fields with "-". :arg human: Whether to return human readable values for statistics. Default is True. :arg pretty: Whether to pretty format the returned JSON response. Default is false. :arg source: The URL-encoded request definition. Useful for libraries that do not accept a request body for non-POST requests. """ return self.transport.perform_request( "DELETE", "/_cluster/decommission/awareness", params=params, headers=headers )
[docs] @query_params("error_trace", "filter_path", "human", "pretty", "source") def delete_weighted_routing( self, body: Any = None, params: Any = None, headers: Any = None, ) -> Any: """ Delete weighted shard routing weights. :arg error_trace: Whether to include the stack trace of returned errors. Default is false. :arg filter_path: Used to reduce the response. This parameter takes a comma-separated list of filters. It supports using wildcards to match any field or part of a field’s name. You can also exclude fields with "-". :arg human: Whether to return human readable values for statistics. Default is True. :arg pretty: Whether to pretty format the returned JSON response. Default is false. :arg source: The URL-encoded request definition. Useful for libraries that do not accept a request body for non-POST requests. """ return self.transport.perform_request( "DELETE", "/_cluster/routing/awareness/weights", params=params, headers=headers, body=body, )
[docs] @query_params("error_trace", "filter_path", "human", "pretty", "source") def get_decommission_awareness( self, awareness_attribute_name: Any, params: Any = None, headers: Any = None, ) -> Any: """ Get details and status of decommissioned attribute. :arg awareness_attribute_name: Awareness attribute name. :arg error_trace: Whether to include the stack trace of returned errors. Default is false. :arg filter_path: Used to reduce the response. This parameter takes a comma-separated list of filters. It supports using wildcards to match any field or part of a field’s name. You can also exclude fields with "-". :arg human: Whether to return human readable values for statistics. Default is True. :arg pretty: Whether to pretty format the returned JSON response. Default is false. :arg source: The URL-encoded request definition. Useful for libraries that do not accept a request body for non-POST requests. """ if awareness_attribute_name in SKIP_IN_PATH: raise ValueError( "Empty value passed for a required argument 'awareness_attribute_name'." ) return self.transport.perform_request( "GET", _make_path( "_cluster", "decommission", "awareness", awareness_attribute_name, "_status", ), params=params, headers=headers, )
[docs] @query_params("error_trace", "filter_path", "human", "pretty", "source") def get_weighted_routing( self, attribute: Any, params: Any = None, headers: Any = None, ) -> Any: """ Fetches weighted shard routing weights. :arg attribute: Awareness attribute name. :arg error_trace: Whether to include the stack trace of returned errors. Default is false. :arg filter_path: Used to reduce the response. This parameter takes a comma-separated list of filters. It supports using wildcards to match any field or part of a field’s name. You can also exclude fields with "-". :arg human: Whether to return human readable values for statistics. Default is True. :arg pretty: Whether to pretty format the returned JSON response. Default is false. :arg source: The URL-encoded request definition. Useful for libraries that do not accept a request body for non-POST requests. """ if attribute in SKIP_IN_PATH: raise ValueError("Empty value passed for a required argument 'attribute'.") return self.transport.perform_request( "GET", _make_path("_cluster", "routing", "awareness", attribute, "weights"), params=params, headers=headers, )
[docs] @query_params("error_trace", "filter_path", "human", "pretty", "source") def put_decommission_awareness( self, awareness_attribute_name: Any, awareness_attribute_value: Any, params: Any = None, headers: Any = None, ) -> Any: """ Decommissions an awareness attribute. :arg awareness_attribute_name: Awareness attribute name. :arg awareness_attribute_value: Awareness attribute value. :arg error_trace: Whether to include the stack trace of returned errors. Default is false. :arg filter_path: Used to reduce the response. This parameter takes a comma-separated list of filters. It supports using wildcards to match any field or part of a field’s name. You can also exclude fields with "-". :arg human: Whether to return human readable values for statistics. Default is True. :arg pretty: Whether to pretty format the returned JSON response. Default is false. :arg source: The URL-encoded request definition. Useful for libraries that do not accept a request body for non-POST requests. """ for param in (awareness_attribute_name, awareness_attribute_value): if param in SKIP_IN_PATH: raise ValueError("Empty value passed for a required argument.") return self.transport.perform_request( "PUT", _make_path( "_cluster", "decommission", "awareness", awareness_attribute_name, awareness_attribute_value, ), params=params, headers=headers, )
[docs] @query_params("error_trace", "filter_path", "human", "pretty", "source") def put_weighted_routing( self, attribute: Any, body: Any = None, params: Any = None, headers: Any = None, ) -> Any: """ Updates weighted shard routing weights. :arg attribute: Awareness attribute name. :arg error_trace: Whether to include the stack trace of returned errors. Default is false. :arg filter_path: Used to reduce the response. This parameter takes a comma-separated list of filters. It supports using wildcards to match any field or part of a field’s name. You can also exclude fields with "-". :arg human: Whether to return human readable values for statistics. Default is True. :arg pretty: Whether to pretty format the returned JSON response. Default is false. :arg source: The URL-encoded request definition. Useful for libraries that do not accept a request body for non-POST requests. """ if attribute in SKIP_IN_PATH: raise ValueError("Empty value passed for a required argument 'attribute'.") return self.transport.perform_request( "PUT", _make_path("_cluster", "routing", "awareness", attribute, "weights"), params=params, headers=headers, body=body, )