Source code for opensearchpy.client.nodes

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# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# To contribute, kindly make modifications in the opensearch-py client generator
# or in the OpenSearch API specification, and run `nox -rs generate`. See
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# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+

from typing import Any

from .utils import NamespacedClient, _make_path, query_params

[docs]class NodesClient(NamespacedClient):
[docs] @query_params("error_trace", "filter_path", "human", "pretty", "source", "timeout") def reload_secure_settings( self, body: Any = None, node_id: Any = None, params: Any = None, headers: Any = None, ) -> Any: """ Reloads secure settings. :arg body: An object containing the password for the OpenSearch keystore. :arg node_id: The names of particular nodes in the cluster to target. :arg error_trace: Whether to include the stack trace of returned errors. Default is false. :arg filter_path: Used to reduce the response. This parameter takes a comma-separated list of filters. It supports using wildcards to match any field or part of a field’s name. You can also exclude fields with "-". :arg human: Whether to return human readable values for statistics. Default is True. :arg pretty: Whether to pretty format the returned JSON response. Default is false. :arg source: The URL-encoded request definition. Useful for libraries that do not accept a request body for non-POST requests. :arg timeout: Period to wait for a response. If no response is received before the timeout expires, the request fails and returns an error. """ return self.transport.perform_request( "POST", _make_path("_nodes", node_id, "reload_secure_settings"), params=params, headers=headers, body=body, )
[docs] @query_params( "error_trace", "filter_path", "flat_settings", "human", "pretty", "source", "timeout", ) def info( self, node_id: Any = None, metric: Any = None, node_id_or_metric: Any = None, params: Any = None, headers: Any = None, ) -> Any: """ Returns information about nodes in the cluster. :arg node_id: Comma-separated list of node IDs or names used to limit returned information. :arg metric: Limits the information returned to the specific metrics. Supports a comma-separated list, such as `http,ingest`. :arg node_id_or_metric: Limits the information returned to a list of node IDs or specific metrics. Supports a comma-separated list, such as `node1,node2` or `http,ingest`. :arg error_trace: Whether to include the stack trace of returned errors. Default is false. :arg filter_path: Used to reduce the response. This parameter takes a comma-separated list of filters. It supports using wildcards to match any field or part of a field’s name. You can also exclude fields with "-". :arg flat_settings: If `true`, returns settings in flat format. Default is false. :arg human: Whether to return human readable values for statistics. Default is True. :arg pretty: Whether to pretty format the returned JSON response. Default is false. :arg source: The URL-encoded request definition. Useful for libraries that do not accept a request body for non-POST requests. :arg timeout: Period to wait for a response. If no response is received before the timeout expires, the request fails and returns an error. """ return self.transport.perform_request( "GET", _make_path("_nodes", node_id, metric), params=params, headers=headers )
[docs] @query_params( "completion_fields", "error_trace", "fielddata_fields", "fields", "filter_path", "groups", "human", "include_segment_file_sizes", "level", "pretty", "source", "timeout", "types", ) def stats( self, node_id: Any = None, metric: Any = None, index_metric: Any = None, params: Any = None, headers: Any = None, ) -> Any: """ Returns statistical information about nodes in the cluster. :arg node_id: Comma-separated list of node IDs or names used to limit returned information. :arg metric: Limit the information returned to the specified metrics :arg index_metric: Limit the information returned for indexes metric to the specific index metrics. It can be used only if indexes (or all) metric is specified. :arg completion_fields: Comma-separated list or wildcard expressions of fields to include in field data and suggest statistics. :arg error_trace: Whether to include the stack trace of returned errors. Default is false. :arg fielddata_fields: Comma-separated list or wildcard expressions of fields to include in field data statistics. :arg fields: Comma-separated list or wildcard expressions of fields to include in the statistics. :arg filter_path: Used to reduce the response. This parameter takes a comma-separated list of filters. It supports using wildcards to match any field or part of a field’s name. You can also exclude fields with "-". :arg groups: Comma-separated list of search groups to include in the search statistics. :arg human: Whether to return human readable values for statistics. Default is True. :arg include_segment_file_sizes: If `true`, the call reports the aggregated disk usage of each one of the Lucene index files (only applies if segment stats are requested). Default is false. :arg level: Indicates whether statistics are aggregated at the cluster, index, or shard level. Valid choices are cluster, indices, shards. :arg pretty: Whether to pretty format the returned JSON response. Default is false. :arg source: The URL-encoded request definition. Useful for libraries that do not accept a request body for non-POST requests. :arg timeout: Period to wait for a response. If no response is received before the timeout expires, the request fails and returns an error. :arg types: A comma-separated list of document types for the indexing index metric. """ return self.transport.perform_request( "GET", _make_path("_nodes", node_id, "stats", metric, index_metric), params=params, headers=headers, )
[docs] @query_params( "doc_type", "error_trace", "filter_path", "human", "ignore_idle_threads", "interval", "pretty", "snapshots", "source", "threads", "timeout", ) def hot_threads( self, node_id: Any = None, params: Any = None, headers: Any = None, ) -> Any: """ Returns information about hot threads on each node in the cluster. :arg node_id: Comma-separated list of node IDs or names to limit the returned information; use `_local` to return information from the node you're connecting to, leave empty to get information from all nodes. :arg doc_type: The type to sample. Valid choices are block, cpu, wait. :arg error_trace: Whether to include the stack trace of returned errors. Default is false. :arg filter_path: Used to reduce the response. This parameter takes a comma-separated list of filters. It supports using wildcards to match any field or part of a field’s name. You can also exclude fields with "-". :arg human: Whether to return human readable values for statistics. Default is True. :arg ignore_idle_threads: Don't show threads that are in known- idle places, such as waiting on a socket select or pulling from an empty task queue. Default is True. :arg interval: The interval for the second sampling of threads. :arg pretty: Whether to pretty format the returned JSON response. Default is false. :arg snapshots: Number of samples of thread stack trace. Default is 10. :arg source: The URL-encoded request definition. Useful for libraries that do not accept a request body for non-POST requests. :arg threads: Specify the number of threads to provide information for. Default is 3. :arg timeout: Operation timeout. """ # type is a reserved word so it cannot be used, use doc_type instead if "doc_type" in params: params["type"] = params.pop("doc_type") return self.transport.perform_request( "GET", _make_path("_nodes", node_id, "hot_threads"), params=params, headers=headers, )
[docs] @query_params("error_trace", "filter_path", "human", "pretty", "source", "timeout") def usage( self, node_id: Any = None, metric: Any = None, params: Any = None, headers: Any = None, ) -> Any: """ Returns low-level information about REST actions usage on nodes. :arg node_id: A comma-separated list of node IDs or names to limit the returned information; use `_local` to return information from the node you're connecting to, leave empty to get information from all nodes :arg metric: Limits the information returned to the specific metrics. A comma-separated list of the following options: `_all`, `rest_actions`. :arg error_trace: Whether to include the stack trace of returned errors. Default is false. :arg filter_path: Used to reduce the response. This parameter takes a comma-separated list of filters. It supports using wildcards to match any field or part of a field’s name. You can also exclude fields with "-". :arg human: Whether to return human readable values for statistics. Default is True. :arg pretty: Whether to pretty format the returned JSON response. Default is false. :arg source: The URL-encoded request definition. Useful for libraries that do not accept a request body for non-POST requests. :arg timeout: Period to wait for a response. If no response is received before the timeout expires, the request fails and returns an error. """ return self.transport.perform_request( "GET", _make_path("_nodes", node_id, "usage", metric), params=params, headers=headers, )