Source code for opensearchpy.helpers.update_by_query

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from typing import Any

from opensearchpy.connection.connections import get_connection

from ..helpers.query import Bool, Q
from import ProxyDescriptor, QueryProxy, Request
from .response import UpdateByQueryResponse
from .utils import recursive_to_dict

[docs]class UpdateByQuery(Request): query = ProxyDescriptor("query") def __init__(self, **kwargs: Any) -> None: """ Update by query request to opensearch. :arg using: `OpenSearch` instance to use :arg index: limit the search to index :arg doc_type: only query this type. All the parameters supplied (or omitted) at creation type can be later overridden by methods (`using`, `index` and `doc_type` respectively). """ super(UpdateByQuery, self).__init__(**kwargs) self._response_class = UpdateByQueryResponse self._script: Any = {} self._query_proxy = QueryProxy(self, "query") def filter(self, *args: Any, **kwargs: Any) -> Any: return self.query(Bool(filter=[Q(*args, **kwargs)])) def exclude(self, *args: Any, **kwargs: Any) -> Any: return self.query(Bool(filter=[~Q(*args, **kwargs)]))
[docs] @classmethod def from_dict(cls, d: Any) -> Any: """ Construct a new `UpdateByQuery` instance from a raw dict containing the search body. Useful when migrating from raw dictionaries. Example:: ubq = UpdateByQuery.from_dict({ "query": { "bool": { "must": [...] } }, "script": {...} }) ubq = ubq.filter('term', published=True) """ u = cls() u.update_from_dict(d) return u
[docs] def _clone(self) -> Any: """ Return a clone of the current search request. Performs a shallow copy of all the underlying objects. Used internally by most state modifying APIs. """ ubq = super(UpdateByQuery, self)._clone() ubq._response_class = self._response_class ubq._script = self._script.copy() ubq.query._proxied = self.query._proxied return ubq
[docs] def response_class(self, cls: Any) -> Any: """ Override the default wrapper used for the response. """ ubq = self._clone() ubq._response_class = cls return ubq
[docs] def update_from_dict(self, d: Any) -> "UpdateByQuery": """ Apply options from a serialized body to the current instance. Modifies the object in-place. Used mostly by ``from_dict``. """ d = d.copy() if "query" in d: self.query._proxied = Q(d.pop("query")) if "script" in d: self._script = d.pop("script") self._extra.update(d) return self
[docs] def script(self, **kwargs: Any) -> Any: """ Define update action to take: Note: the API only accepts a single script, so calling the script multiple times will overwrite. Example:: ubq = Search() ubq = ubq.script(source="ctx._source.likes++"") ubq = ubq.script(source="ctx._source.likes += params.f"", lang="expression", params={'f': 3}) """ ubq = self._clone() if ubq._script: ubq._script = {} ubq._script.update(kwargs) return ubq
[docs] def to_dict(self, **kwargs: Any) -> Any: """ Serialize the search into the dictionary that will be sent over as the request'ubq body. All additional keyword arguments will be included into the dictionary. """ d = {} if self.query: d["query"] = self.query.to_dict() if self._script: d["script"] = self._script d.update(recursive_to_dict(self._extra)) d.update(recursive_to_dict(kwargs)) return d
[docs] def execute(self) -> Any: """ Execute the search and return an instance of ``Response`` wrapping all the data. """ opensearch = get_connection(self._using) self._response = self._response_class( self, opensearch.update_by_query( index=self._index, body=self.to_dict(), **self._params ), ) return self._response