Source code for opensearchpy.plugins.index_management

# SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
# The OpenSearch Contributors require contributions made to
# this file be licensed under the Apache-2.0 license or a
# compatible open source license.
# Modifications Copyright OpenSearch Contributors. See
# GitHub history for details.

from typing import Any

from ..client.utils import SKIP_IN_PATH, NamespacedClient, _make_path, query_params

[docs]class IndexManagementClient(NamespacedClient):
[docs] @query_params() def put_policy( self, policy: Any, body: Any = None, params: Any = None, headers: Any = None ) -> Any: """ Creates, or updates, a policy. :arg policy: The name of the policy """ if policy in SKIP_IN_PATH: raise ValueError("Empty value passed for a required argument 'policy'.") return self.transport.perform_request( "PUT", _make_path("_plugins", "_ism", "policies", policy), params=params, headers=headers, body=body, )
[docs] @query_params() def add_policy( self, index: Any, body: Any = None, params: Any = None, headers: Any = None ) -> Any: """ Adds a policy to an index. This operation does not change the policy if the index already has one. :arg index: The name of the index to add policy on """ if index in SKIP_IN_PATH: raise ValueError("Empty value passed for a required argument 'index'.") return self.transport.perform_request( "POST", _make_path("_plugins", "_ism", "add", index), params=params, headers=headers, body=body, )
[docs] @query_params() def get_policy( self, policy: Any = None, params: Any = None, headers: Any = None ) -> Any: """ Gets the policy by `policy_id`; returns all policies if no policy_id is provided. :arg policy: The name of the policy """ return self.transport.perform_request( "GET", _make_path("_plugins", "_ism", "policies", policy), params=params, headers=headers, )
[docs] @query_params() def remove_policy_from_index( self, index: Any, params: Any = None, headers: Any = None ) -> Any: """ Removes any ISM policy from the index. :arg index: The name of the index to remove policy on """ if index in SKIP_IN_PATH: raise ValueError("Empty value passed for a required argument 'index'.") return self.transport.perform_request( "POST", _make_path("_plugins", "_ism", "remove", index), params=params, headers=headers, )
[docs] @query_params() def change_policy( self, index: Any, body: Any = None, params: Any = None, headers: Any = None ) -> Any: """ Updates the managed index policy to a new policy (or to a new version of the policy). :arg index: The name of the index to change policy on """ if index in SKIP_IN_PATH: raise ValueError("Empty value passed for a required argument 'index'.") return self.transport.perform_request( "POST", _make_path("_plugins", "_ism", "change_policy", index), params=params, headers=headers, body=body, )
[docs] @query_params() def retry( self, index: Any, body: Any = None, params: Any = None, headers: Any = None ) -> Any: """ Retries the failed action for an index. :arg index: The name of the index whose is in a failed state """ if index in SKIP_IN_PATH: raise ValueError("Empty value passed for a required argument 'index'.") return self.transport.perform_request( "POST", _make_path("_plugins", "_ism", "retry", index), params=params, headers=headers, body=body, )
[docs] @query_params("show_policy") def explain_index(self, index: Any, params: Any = None, headers: Any = None) -> Any: """ Gets the current state of the index. :arg index: The name of the index to explain """ if index in SKIP_IN_PATH: raise ValueError("Empty value passed for a required argument 'index'.") return self.transport.perform_request( "GET", _make_path("_plugins", "_ism", "explain", index), params=params, headers=headers, )
[docs] @query_params() def delete_policy( self, policy: Any, params: Any = None, headers: Any = None ) -> Any: """ Deletes the policy by `policy_id`. :arg policy: The name of the policy to delete """ if policy in SKIP_IN_PATH: raise ValueError("Empty value passed for a required argument 'policy'.") return self.transport.perform_request( "DELETE", _make_path("_plugins", "_ism", "policies", policy), params=params, headers=headers, )