Namespace: API-CAT



(static) CatApi#aliases(params, optionsopt, callbackopt) → {Object|Promise.<never>|*}

The CAT aliases operation lists the mapping of aliases to indices, plus routing and filtering information.
See Also: OpenSearch - CAT aliases
Name Type Attributes Description
params Object Accepts - common CAT parameters along with the following unique parameters:
Name Type Attributes Default Description
name string <optional>
To limit the information to specific aliases, provide the alias names seperated by commas.
local boolean <optional>
false Whether to return information from the local node only instead of from the cluster manager node.
expand_wildcards string <optional>
open Expands wildcard expressions to concrete indices. Combine multiple values with commas. Supported values are 'all', 'open', 'closed', 'hidden', and 'none'. Default is 'open'.
options Object <optional>
Options for Transport#request
callback function <optional>
Callback that handles errors and response
Object | Promise.<never> | *

(static) CatApi#allocation(params, optionsopt, callbackopt) → {Object|Promise.<never>|*}

The CAT allocation operation lists the allocation of disk space for indices and the number of shards on each node.
See Also: OpenSearch - CAT allocation
Name Type Attributes Description
params Object Accepts - common CAT parameters along with the following unique parameters:
Name Type Attributes Default Description
node_id string <optional>
To limit the information to specific nodes, provide the node names seperated by commas.
local boolean <optional>
false Whether to return information from the local node only instead of from the cluster manager node.
cluster_manager_timeout string <optional>
30s The amount of time to wait for a connection to the cluster manager node.
bytes string <optional>
Specify the units for byte size. For example, '7kb' or '6gb'.
options Object <optional>
Options for Transport#request
callback function <optional>
Callback that handles errors and response
Object | Promise.<never> | *

(static) CatApi#cluster_manager(params, optionsopt, callbackopt) → {Object|Promise.<never>|*}

The CAT cluster manager operation lists information that helps identify the elected cluster manager node.
See Also: OpenSearch - CAT cluster manager
Name Type Attributes Description
params Object Accepts - common CAT parameters
options Object <optional>
Options for Transport#request
callback function <optional>
Callback that handles errors and response
Object | Promise.<never> | *

(static) CatApi#count(params, optionsopt, callbackopt) → {Object|Promise.<never>|*}

The CAT count operation lists the number of documents in your cluster.
See Also: OpenSearch - CAT count
Name Type Attributes Description
params Object Accepts - common CAT parameters along with the following unique parameters:
Name Type Attributes Description
index string <optional>
To see the number of documents in specific indices or aliases, provide the index/alias names seperated by commas.
options Object <optional>
Options for Transport#request
callback function <optional>
Callback that handles errors and response
Object | Promise.<never> | *

(static) CatApi#fielddata(params, optionsopt, callbackopt) → {Object|Promise.<never>|*}

The CAT fielddata operation lists the memory size used by each field per node.
See Also: OpenSearch - CAT fielddata
Name Type Attributes Description
params Object Accepts - common CAT parameters along with the following unique parameters:
Name Type Attributes Description
fields string <optional>
To limit the information to specific fields, provide the field names seperated by commas.
options Object <optional>
Options for Transport#request
callback function <optional>
Callback that handles errors and response
Object | Promise.<never> | *

(static) CatApi#health(params, optionsopt, callbackopt) → {Object|Promise.<never>|*}

The CAT health operation lists the status of the cluster, how long the cluster has been up, the number of nodes, and other useful information that helps you analyze the health of your cluster.
See Also: OpenSearch - CAT health
Name Type Attributes Description
params Object Accepts - common CAT parameters along with the following unique parameters:
Name Type Attributes Default Description
time string <optional>
Specify the units for time. For example, '5d' or '7h'.
ts boolean <optional>
true If true, returns HH:MM:SS and Unix epoch timestamps.
options Object <optional>
Options for Transport#request
callback function <optional>
Callback that handles errors and response
Object | Promise.<never> | *

(static) CatApi#help(params, optionsopt, callbackopt) → {Object|Promise.<never>|*}

See the available operations in the CAT API
See Also: OpenSearch - CAT
Name Type Attributes Description
params Object (ignored)
options Object <optional>
Options for Transport#request
callback function <optional>
Callback that handles errors and response
Object | Promise.<never> | *

(static) CatApi#indices(params, optionsopt, callbackopt) → {Object|Promise.<never>|*}

The CAT indices operation lists information related to indices—how much disk space they are using, how many shards they have, their health status, and so on.
See Also: OpenSearch - CAT indices
Name Type Attributes Description
params Object Accepts - common CAT parameters along with the following unique parameters:
Name Type Attributes Default Description
index string <optional>
To limit the information to specific indices, provide the index names seperated by commas.
bytes string <optional>
Specify the units for byte size. For example, '7kb' or '6gb'.
health string <optional>
Limit indices based on their health status. Supported values are 'green', 'yellow', and 'red'.
include_unloaded_segments boolean <optional>
false Whether to include information from segments not loaded into memory.
cluster_manager_timeout string <optional>
30s The amount of time to wait for a connection to the cluster manager node.
pri boolean <optional>
false Whether to return information only from the primary shards.
time string <optional>
Specify the units for time. For example, '5d' or '7h'.
expand_wildcards string <optional>
open Expands wildcard expressions to concrete indices. Combine multiple values with commas. Supported values are 'all', 'open', 'closed', 'hidden', and 'none'.
options Object <optional>
Options for Transport#request
callback function <optional>
Callback that handles errors and response
Object | Promise.<never> | *

(static) CatApi#nodeattrs(params, optionsopt, callbackopt) → {Object|Promise.<never>|*}

The CAT nodeattrs operation lists the attributes of custom nodes.
See Also: OpenSearch - CAT aliases
Name Type Attributes Description
params Object Accepts - common CAT parameters along with the following unique parameters:
Name Type Attributes Default Description
local boolean <optional>
false Whether to return information from the local node only instead of from the cluster manager node.
cluster_manager_timeout string <optional>
30s The amount of time to wait for a connection to the cluster manager node.
options Object <optional>
Options for Transport#request
callback function <optional>
Callback that handles errors and response
Object | Promise.<never> | *

(static) CatApi#nodes(params, optionsopt, callbackopt) → {Object|Promise.<never>|*}

The CAT nodes operation lists node-level information, including node roles and load metrics.
See Also: OpenSearch - CAT nodes
Name Type Attributes Description
params Object Accepts - common CAT parameters along with the following unique parameters:
Name Type Attributes Default Description
bytes string <optional>
Specify the units for byte size. For example, '7kb' or '6gb'.
full_id boolean <optional>
false If true, return the full node ID. If false, return the shortened node ID.
local boolean <optional>
false Whether to return information from the local node only instead of from the cluster_manager node.
cluster_manager_timeout string <optional>
30s The amount of time to wait for a connection to the cluster manager node.
time string <optional>
Specify the units for time. For example, '5d' or '7h'.
include_unloaded_segments boolean <optional>
false Whether to include information from segments not loaded into memory.
options Object <optional>
Options for Transport#request
callback function <optional>
Callback that handles errors and response
Object | Promise.<never> | *

(static) CatApi#pendingTasks(params, optionsopt, callbackopt) → {Object|Promise.<never>|*}

The CAT pending tasks operation lists the progress of all pending tasks, including task priority and time in queue.
See Also: OpenSearch - CAT pending tasks
Name Type Attributes Description
params Object Accepts - common CAT parameters along with the following unique parameters:
Name Type Attributes Default Description
local boolean <optional>
false Whether to return information from the local node only instead of from the cluster_manager node.
cluster_manager_timeout string <optional>
30s The amount of time to wait for a connection to the cluster manager node.
time string <optional>
Specify the units for time. For example, '5d' or '7h'.
options Object <optional>
Options for Transport#request
callback function <optional>
Callback that handles errors and response
Object | Promise.<never> | *

(static) CatApi#plugins(params, optionsopt, callbackopt) → {Object|Promise.<never>|*}

The CAT plugins operation lists the names, components, and versions of the installed plugins.
See Also: OpenSearch - CAT plugins
Name Type Attributes Description
params Object Accepts - common CAT parameters along with the following unique parameters:
Name Type Attributes Default Description
local boolean <optional>
false Whether to return information from the local node only instead of from the cluster_manager node.
cluster_manager_timeout string <optional>
30s The amount of time to wait for a connection to the cluster manager node.
options Object <optional>
Options for Transport#request
callback function <optional>
Callback that handles errors and response
Object | Promise.<never> | *

(static) CatApi#recovery(params, optionsopt, callbackopt) → {Object|Promise.<never>|*}

The CAT recovery operation lists all completed and ongoing index and shard recoveries.
See Also: OpenSearch - CAT recovery
Name Type Attributes Description
params Object Accepts - common CAT parameters along with the following unique parameters:
Name Type Attributes Default Description
bytes string <optional>
Specify the units for byte size. For example, '7kb' or '6gb'.
time string <optional>
Specify the units for time. For example, '5d' or '7h'.
active_only boolean <optional>
false Whether to only include ongoing shard recoveries.
detailed boolean <optional>
false Whether to only include ongoing shard recoveries.
options Object <optional>
Options for Transport#request
callback function <optional>
Callback that handles errors and response
Object | Promise.<never> | *

(static) CatApi#repositories(params, optionsopt, callbackopt) → {Object|Promise.<never>|*}

The CAT repositories operation lists all completed and ongoing index and shard recoveries.
See Also: OpenSearch - CAT repositories
Name Type Attributes Description
params Object Accepts - common CAT parameters along with the following unique parameters:
Name Type Attributes Default Description
local boolean <optional>
false Whether to return information from the local node only instead of from the cluster_manager node.
cluster_manager_timeout string <optional>
30s The amount of time to wait for a connection to the cluster manager node.
options Object <optional>
Options for Transport#request
callback function <optional>
Callback that handles errors and response
Object | Promise.<never> | *

(static) CatApi#segments(params, optionsopt, callbackopt) → {Object|Promise.<never>|*}

The cat segments operation lists Lucene segment-level information for each index.
See Also: OpenSearch - CAT segments
Name Type Attributes Description
params Object Accepts - common CAT parameters along with the following unique parameters:
Name Type Attributes Default Description
index string <optional>
To see only the information about segments of specific indices, provide the index names seperated by commas.
bytes string <optional>
Specify the units for byte size. For example, '7kb' or '6gb'.
cluster_manager_timeout string <optional>
30s The amount of time to wait for a connection to the cluster manager node.
options Object <optional>
Options for Transport#request
callback function <optional>
Callback that handles errors and response
Object | Promise.<never> | *

(static) CatApi#shards(params, optionsopt, callbackopt) → {Object|Promise.<never>|*}

The CAT shards operation lists the state of all primary and replica shards and how they are distributed.
See Also: OpenSearch - CAT shards
Name Type Attributes Description
params Object Accepts - common CAT parameters along with the following unique parameters:
Name Type Attributes Default Description
index string <optional>
To see only the information about shards of specific indices, provide the index names seperated by commas.
bytes string <optional>
Specify the units for byte size. For example, '7kb' or '6gb'.
local boolean <optional>
false Whether to return information from the local node only instead of from the cluster_manager node.
cluster_manager_timeout string <optional>
30s The amount of time to wait for a connection to the cluster manager node.
time string <optional>
Specify the units for time. For example, '5d' or '7h'.
options Object <optional>
Options for Transport#request
callback function <optional>
Callback that handles errors and response
Object | Promise.<never> | *

(static) CatApi#snapshots(params, optionsopt, callbackopt) → {Object|Promise.<never>|*}

The CAT snapshots operation lists all snapshots for a repository.
See Also: OpenSearch - CAT snapshots
Name Type Attributes Description
params Object Accepts - common CAT parameters along with the following unique parameters:
Name Type Attributes Default Description
cluster_manager_timeout string <optional>
30s The amount of time to wait for a connection to the cluster manager node.
time string <optional>
Specify the units for time. For example, '5d' or '7h'.
options Object <optional>
Options for Transport#request
callback function <optional>
Callback that handles errors and response
Object | Promise.<never> | *

(static) CatApi#tasks(params, optionsopt, callbackopt) → {Object|Promise.<never>|*}

The CAT tasks operation lists the progress of all tasks currently running on your cluster.
See Also: OpenSearch - CAT tasks
Name Type Attributes Description
params Object Accepts - common CAT parameters along with the following unique parameters:
Name Type Attributes Default Description
nodes string <optional>
A comma-separated list of node IDs or names to limit the returned information. Use '_local' to return information from the node you’re connecting to, specify the node name to get information from specific nodes, or keep the parameter empty to get information from all nodes.
time string <optional>
Specify the units for time. For example, '5d' or '7h'.
detailed boolean <optional>
false Returns detailed task information.
parent_task_id string <optional>
Returns tasks with a specified parent task ID (node_id:task_number). Keep empty or set to -1 to return all.
options Object <optional>
Options for Transport#request
callback function <optional>
Callback that handles errors and response
Object | Promise.<never> | *

(static) CatApi#templates(params, optionsopt, callbackopt) → {Object|Promise.<never>|*}

The CAT templates operation lists the names, patterns, order numbers, and version numbers of index templates.
See Also: OpenSearch - CAT templates
Name Type Attributes Description
params Object Accepts - common CAT parameters along with the following unique parameters:
Name Type Attributes Default Description
name boolean <optional>
If you want to limit it to a specific template or pattern, provide the template name or pattern.
local boolean <optional>
false Whether to return information from the local node only instead of from the cluster manager node.
cluster_manager_timeout string <optional>
30s The amount of time to wait for a connection to the cluster manager node.
options Object <optional>
Options for Transport#request
callback function <optional>
Callback that handles errors and response
Object | Promise.<never> | *

(static) CatApi#threadPool(params, optionsopt, callbackopt) → {Object|Promise.<never>|*}

The CAT thread pool operation lists the active, queued, and rejected threads of different thread pools on each node.
See Also: OpenSearch - CAT thread pool
Name Type Attributes Description
params Object Accepts - common CAT parameters along with the following unique parameters:
Name Type Attributes Default Description
local boolean <optional>
false Whether to return information from the local node only instead of from the cluster manager node.
cluster_manager_timeout string <optional>
30s The amount of time to wait for a connection to the cluster manager node.
options Object <optional>
Options for Transport#request
callback function <optional>
Callback that handles errors and response
Object | Promise.<never> | *